Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tyranny and Love

How great would it be if a person could combine the qualities of a lover (that of passion, kindness, care, mercy and beauty...etc) side by side with those of a tyrant (Power, domination, control, command, etc.), it would make out of a person a greatness immesurable.

Indeed if the qualities of a lover would go missing in a tyrnat, we'll get a spoiler of things, a destructive element that would keep misusing his power and dominion over others and thus only darken things for others that surround him.

And if we look at it in the opposite way, then indeed a lover, a just and righteous person with a concience wide awake, kind, merciful and caring softspoken person wouldn't stand a chance to survive with such nobility of mind and nature.

Thus, if we see them both, and if we combine them, we can neither expect the tyrant to spoil lives or make wrong use of the powers given, nor the true lover loose his aim and noble goals of life, nor challenged nor frustrated by external pressures in the face of achievements that are good for people and their peace or harmony.

Its a call to awaken in all of the people the following two side, one assisting the other making a person although knowing the bad side of the world, walk steadfast on its good and safe side, and not being looked down for being honest and noble and at the same time being able to ward of all threats to peace and security to him and his surroundings.

The two qualities complete each other, they protect each other from being weakened, and they allow the existance of the other quality for a longer time. For one can't expect to face life with one of them without having to use the other to compensate for it and vice versa. 

God bless...

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